Hexagram 46 – Earth over Wind – 9/21-9/26
Sheng – Pushing Upward
Seriousness – Delight – Ecstasy .:. Codon Ring of Matter
Like a seed planted deep within the Earth, it is time to push upward toward the light. The gentle rises through the heavy with the abundant energy of life itself. Trust in the slow progress of life and delight in simple presence.
After Heaven over Water (6) we transition to Wind Season, beginning the next cycle with Earth over Wind (46). Wind is known as the gentle. It is symbolized by the gentle, steady breeze of the wind but also by the persistent growth of wood, or trees. Because the wind is invisible, we are only able to see it as it blows through the trees. This energy is most effective when it is steady and consistent. A strong gust can have some effect, but a steady persistent wind can have massive effect. The progression from Water season to Wind season is also marked by the fall equinox- the turning of summer to fall.
We are asked to cultivate the steady, gentle approach of the wind in our endeavors; to reach for our goals as the tree reaches consistently skyward.
The image of this hexagram is of a tree pushing upward through the earth. It is a time of great potential. Like a seed planted in darkness, now is a time to reach steadily toward the light, pushing gently past any obstacle. A tree grows around a rock. It does not grow into it. We also persist by gently twisting and turning around any obstacles, not by engaging them head on. In this way, we rise, delighting in the small moments along the path, gently bending around any obstacles we face, soaking in the sun and gentle wind. Don’t take the obstacles in life too seriously. Delight in the Ecstasy of every simple moment of life.
Model the gentle patience and persistence of a young sprout pushing upward through fertile soil. Do not rush to become tall and large or you will not develop firm roots, do not long for the old days of being a seed. Be present and enjoy each moment of the journey, following the natural evolution through each stage of development.
Seriousness dries out the nectar of life and constricts the joy, which is naturally present in life. This is a huge trap in the modern world, especially in academia, business and spirituality. When our worry constricts around our life it creates bad fortune, the dilemma of this shadow. Seriousness worries about the unknown future and holds tight to the pains of the past, unable to stay present with the simple pleasures of life. This key is connected to the SQ 0-7 years old, the inner child, and the development of the physical body, touch, breath & posture. Too serious a childhood is detrimental to the whole child’s life. Loving touch, security and playfulness create the proper grounding of the spirit into the physical body. The siddhi is ecstasy and the shadow is agony. We become submerged in matter.
Repressive – Frigid – frozen sensuality. They hide from life in fear of their own bodies. Vital energy turns sour & lose touch with the juiciness of life.
Reactive – Frivolous – Fake being lighthearted to hide their seriousness and anger. Run away from truth & honesty.
There is a deep letting go into the body and the wisdom of life and matter. Each small moment has its own golden glow if you let it emerge without the worries and fears of the shadow. By trusting in ones self and all of life the small moments are able to ring with Delight. There are so many things to delight in when present in life. Once we get a taste of the gentle trust of life we can relax and let go of the past and flow with the currents of the present.
When the heart catches fire, Ecstasy silences the mind and lights up our cells with intense waves of energy much like a spiritual orgasm. These waves allow the physical body to open up to immense light.
Keys of the iChing .:. Jesse Chesnutt